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  • wallyb8

"Communications Continuum" Open House - May 18

Local Government 2030 is continuing a series of open houses during May to discuss the three projects being worked on by the Convening #1 Delegates. We are looking for broad input from colleagues around the country on the work so far.

The open house for the "Communications Continuum" project is on Thursday May 18 at 3 PM ET.

The Communication Continuum initiative seeks to reimagine the way local governments approach the art of communication. By recognizing that quality communication begins internally and public service works best when it is centered around the needs of the public being served, the Communication Continuum will provide a toolkit for local governments to support their staff in supporting their communities.

Ultimately, the effort intends to offer a fundamental reframing to how public communication has traditionally been offered, moving away from city hall and on to city streets.

To sign up from the Open House, go to

Project Team:

Talia Lomax-O'dneal

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