The Local Government 2030 Convening #1 last November in Omaha started with seven individual reports, based on discipline, reflecting on local government's response to the National Academy of Public Administration Grand Challenges. Over the next few weeks, we are highlighting these reports.
Our third report are the reflections of our Finance delegates:
Lisa Henty Fauquier County, VA
Janani Ramachandran Yates City of Detroit
The delegates were assisted by the Finance Super Delegates
Talia Lomax-O'dneal Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Aaron DeslatteO'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) was a key sponsor of Convening #1 and Chris MorrillShayne Kavanagh and Mike Mucha continue to provide great support LG 2030. Thanks to everyone for their work.
Finance Report: